Ed Glazar

Ed's photos have been published and purchased by The Village Voice, New York Times, Queens Chronicle, Marie Claire Russian Edition, Marie Claire Ukraine Edition, Wilkes Creative, Milwaukee Bicycle Co., COG, Urban Velo, Fixed, Bamboo Bike Studio, Central Park Bike Tours, Woodie Times, Peninsula Daily News, Sequim Gazette. He's also the photographer and co-author of the fourth coming book, BIKE NYC, an insiders guide to biking and bike culture in New York City, which was  released in June of 2011 by Skyhorse Publishing.


Ed remembers making his first photograph. He was biking through New York City’s meat packing district, years before theme bars, French bistros, loft living and Sex and the City; back when most of the women walking those streets swung their cocks at passing cars and gave blowjobs behind refrigerator trucks.
As he pedaled past Gansevoort, he saw one of those ladies fixing her makeup in the side-view mirror of one of those trucks. He locked eyes with her reflection. She pushed red lipstick around her smile. He got his first camera (a Nikon FM-10) a few weeks later. Since then, He's worked as a staff newspaper photographer and photo editor and have continued to pursue personal documentary projects.

Fun Seeking Grapplers