
Unlike many street artists, I am not a populist. More like a pure research scientist. The best form for visual or textual communication is not always the simplest and clearest presentation. In order to express some subjects or challenge prevailing forms, a new alien language may need to develop. Epiphany can’t always be expressed or understood through archaic or prosaic aesthetics. As time passes, new ideas become slogans and singular expressions become cultural cliches. Rallying the masses is one thing; Enlightenment is another. Mystification as cerebral provocation. Babel code.


Whether it’s white out tags, scratchies, drip tags, spraypaint, stickers, wheatpaste, rollers, blasters, zines, videos, music or fine art; ALL MY SONGS ARE PROTEST SONGS. All of my artistic techniques and methods are DIY: accessible & reproducable by the public at large. I want the viewer to feel empowered to interact and participate in the public discussion.

street art manifesto