DV2 concentrates on a subject that every New Yorker can relate to: subway musicians. We tell the story of what happens underneath the city streets and in particular, the musicians that fill its corridors with the sounds from the underground. The square accordion-fold format for this issue has the viewer reading from one end to the other.

Danny Clinch
F/ocus Studios in Manhattan

The square accordion-fold format for this issue has the viewer reading from one end to the other.

Danny Clinch loves music. He listens to it, plays it, photographs it, and films it.
Rick Burda
Aston Worthington
Let’s Meat!
Jason Schmidt
David Katzenstein
Soul Food / Food Train / Soup Kitchen
Todd Boebble
Keepers of the Flame
Amadeo Lasansky
Danny Clinch
Music is, by its nature, emotive, lush—visceral. It would seem that capturing it would be as simple as being at the right place at the right time. But indeed, it takes so much more. It requires a love for the subject and a passion for the craft. It has to be as innate as rhythm or melody is to the musician.
In addition to the printed piece, The DV team hosted a reception and launch party for clients to preview the new issue. “DV2: See Listen Ride” was revealed to the New York creative community at F/ocus Studios, a raw photography space on Manhattan’s Westside.
“Our goal was to immerse the guests in the guise of the subway, recreated aboveground. We wanted people to associate the party with subway counterculture. From the way-finding signage to the platforms to the musicians themselves, reproducing the street environment was essential to maintaining the feel of the evening,” states Steve Pandolfi, President of dcc.

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