From Sustenance to Sensation in this limited edition publication, DV4, we explore one of the most vital aspects of NYC culture: FOOD. Check out this site for an in-depth look at the photographer’s and artist’s DV portfolios, as well as archives of all DV issues.

Rick Burda, Ashton Worthington, Jason Schmidt, David Katzenstein, Todd Boebel, Amadeo Lasansky
Launch Party at Holy Apostle
Soup Kitchen

In this limited edition DV project box set, we take you on 8 related journeys, a tour of NYC after dark.

NYC is a rolling amalgam of cultures, lifestyles, rhythms and needs. Nearly eight and a half million people live in the city, speaking around 800 languages, and working alongside millions more who commute in and out of the city each day. Amidst all this teeming difference and indifference, one of a few things that brings us together is: food. Because, hey, ya gotta eat.

Rick Burda
Aston Worthington
Let’s Meat!
Jason Schmidt
David Katzenstein
Soul Food / Food Train / Soup Kitchen
Todd Boebble
Keepers of the Flame
Amadeo Lasansky
Thank you friends, artists, DJ’s, photographers, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who provide ideas and connections that enable us to find and gain access to these worlds. DV calls on an incredibly varied and talented group of NYC photographers, art directors and print craftsmen to document these experiences.
Rick Burda
Ashton Worthington
Let’s Meat!
Jason Schmidt
David Katzenstein
Soul Food / Food Train
Todd Boebel
Keepers of the Flame
Amadeo Lasansky
The DV4 launch party, Holy Apostles' Soup Kitchen. The DV4 launch party was appropriately held at HASK, where over 100,000 people are fed a week. Eight 10ft exhibits lined the columns of the cathedral.
With a 30 foot banner featuring a black, doubled headed chicken at the center.  Behind the altar videos and imagery featured some of NYC’s finest and funkiest gastronomical delights. Fun was had by all.
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